정세인 展
Repeating, Remembering, and Seeing 반복하기, 기억하기, 그리고 보기
2021. 3. 4(목) ▶ 2021. 4. 3(토) 서울특별시 서초구 남부순환로325길 9 | T.02-525-2223
In the Beginning Was the Word 2020Perforated aluminum panel, acrylic, lacquer spray paint, acrylic, paper, OHP film, wooden frame, anti-reflection glass 112.8 x 72.7 x 8.9 cm
도잉아트는 2021년 첫 전시로 3월 4일부터 4월 3일까지 정세인 개인전 展을 개최한다.
We Just Don’t Know, 2020 2020 Lacquer spray paint, OHP film, acrylic on ca2020 Lacquer spray paint, OHP film, acrylic on canvas 130.3 x 193.9 x 3 cmnvas 130.3 x 193.9 x 3 cm
My Story Is Mystery 2019 Lacquer, acrylic spray paint, paper 62.4 x 82.4 x 4.2 cm
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