김순례 展
칠불암 마애석불V_91x117cm
2020. 6. 10(수) ▶ 2020. 6. 16(화) 서울특별시 종로구 인사동 5길 29 | T.02-736-4804~5
바위틈에 피어나다III_51x36cm
창너머 숲_74x27cm
칠불암 마애석불III_80x100cm
■ 김순례
서울교육대학교 졸업
글로벌수채화교류협회이사 | 한국수채화협회회원 | 한국창작수채화작가협회 부회장 | 한뫼회원 | 한국미협회원
개인전 및 부스전 | 2020 개인전(조형갤러리) | 2017 개인전(조형갤러리) | 2015 세계수채화트리엔날레 부스전 (예술의 전당 한가람 미술관) | 2009 부스전 (한국미술관) | 2007 부스전(경희궁 서울시립미술관)
단체전 및 초대전 | 한국미협회원전, 한국수채화협회전 출품 (예술의 전당, 라메르갤러리, 한국미술관, 성남아트센터) | 2018, 2019 국제 공모 일현전(오사카) | 2016 중국·한국·조선 수채화페스티발(길림성황미술관) | 2012 WAFC 월드아트페스타 세계미술인대축제 | 2012 스페인 한국수채화 초대전 | 2010~2011 코리아·필리핀·프랑스·일본 파인아트페스티발 | 한국창작수채화작가협회전 2~14회 출품(공평아트센터, 한국미술관) | 서울수채화페스티벌(서울시립미술관) | 한뫼전 1~27회 출품(도봉갤러리, 현대백화점 미아점 갤러리, 경인미술관) | 상해2006 중·일·한 현대미술교류전 | 제1,3회 미의식 표상전 (동아갤러리 전시관)
수상경력 | 제38회 대한민국 미술대전 특선(안산 문화예술의 전당) | 제19회,30회 대한민국 미술대전 입선(과천현대미술회관, 세택) | 제42~49회 목우회 공모전 6회 입선(과천현대미술관, 예술의전당 한가람미술관, 단원전시관) | 제 17~25회 한국수채화대전 특선 및 입선 (세종문화회관, 성남아트센터, 한가람 미술관) | 제 1,3,4회 대한민국수채화대전 특선 및 입선 (서울갤러리, 단원전시관) | 제 22회 무등미술대전 입선 | 제 22회 대한민국신미술대전 입선(서울시립미술관) | 제9회,15회,16회 나혜석전 입선 및 최우수상,특별상 (경기 문화의 전당) | 제 6,9회 여성미술대전 동상 및 입선 (서울국제디자인프라자) | 제 8,11회 세계평화미술대전 우수상 및 특선(단원전시관) | 제 19,20회 경인미술대전 입선(복사골 갤러리) | 제 8회 공무원미술대전 입선(세종문화회관) | 제 19,10회 한국여성미술공모전 입선 및 특선
E-mail | kim20srye@naver.com
■ Kim, Soon Rye
Graduated from Seoul National University of Education
Globar Watercolor Association Director | Member of the Korea Watercolor & Watercolor Painting Association | Vice-president of the Korea Creative Watercolor Artist Association | Member of The Han-Moi | Member of the Korea Painting Association
Solo and Booth Exhibition | 2020 Solo Exhibition (Cho-hyung Gallery) | 2017 Solo Exhibition (Cho-hyung Gallery) | 2015 The World Watercolor Triennale Booth Exhibition (Hangaram Arts Museum) | 2009 Booth Exhibition (Hanguk Museum of Art) | 2007 Booth Exhibition (Seoul Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Group and Invitational exhibition | Member/Contributor of the Korean Art Association & Watercolor Exhibition | International competition Japan contemporary Art Exhibition (Osaka) - 2018, 2019 | CHINA·KOREA·JOSEON Watercolor Festival - 2016 | WAFC WORD ART FESTA COMPTITION - 2012 | Korean Watercolor Invitational Exhibition in Spain - 2012 | Korea/The Philippines/France/Japan/ Fine Art Festival - 2010-2011 | Exhibition of Korea Cretive Watercolor Artist Association 2~14th (Gongpyong Art Center, Hanguk Museum of Art) | Seoul Watercolor Painting Festival (Seoul Metropolitan Museum of Art) | Exhibition of The Han-Moi Arts Group 1~27th (Dobong Gallery, Hyundae Department Mia Gallery, Kyungin Museum of Fine Art) | Shanghai 2006 China, Japan, Korea, Contemporary Art Exhibition | Presentation Exhibition of Aesthetic Sense 1st, 3rd (Donga Gallery)
Awards | Won a Special prize in the 38th Grand Art Exhibition of Korea, National Museum of Contemporary Art (Ansan Arts Center) | Won a prize in the 19th and 30th Grand Art Exhibition of Korea , National Museum of Contemporary Art (SETEC,Kwachun Hyundae Art Center) | Won a prize in the 42nd~49th Mokwoo exhibition (Kwachun Hyundae Art Center, Seoul Art Center Hangaram Art Center, Danwon Exhibition) | Special award and a prize in the 17th~25th Korea Watercolor Painting Competition (Sejong Art Center, Sungnam Art Center, Hangaram Art Center) | Special award and a prize in the 1st, 3rd and 4th openings of Korea Watercolor Painting Competition (Seoul Gallery, Danwon Expo) | Won a prize in the 22nd Korea New Art Festival (Seoul Metropolitan Museum of Art) | Won a grand and special prize in the 9th,15th and 16th Na Hye Seok Art Festival (Kyeonggi Art Center) | Won a prize in the 6th and 9th Korea Women Art Competition (Seoul International Design Plaza) | Special award in the 8th and 11th World Peace Art Competition (Danwon Exhibition) | Won a prize in the 19~20th Kyeongin Art Festival (Boksagol Gallery) | Won a prize in the 8th Civil Servant Art Competition (Sejong Art Center) | Special award and a prize in the Korea Woman Art Publicly Ascribed Exhibition
E-mail | kim20srye@naver.com
* 전시메일에 등록된 모든 이미지와 글은 작가와 필자에게 저작권이 있습니다. * vol.20200610-김순례 展 |