권순왕 展
AI와의 결투_acrylic and oil on canvas_145.5x112.5cm_2019
2020. 4. 23(목) ▶ 2020. 6. 26(금) 대구광역시 중구 봉산문화길 72 | T.053-427-7737
Man always remember love_oil and acrylic on canvas_80x180cm_2006
The hidden flux - Blue Passage_acrylic and oil on canvas_105x75cm_2019
거울과의 대화_acrylic and oil on canvas_50x72.5cm_2019
거울앞에 놓인 실뭉치들_oil on canvas_130x89cm_2019
고독한 뿌리의 결정체_acrylic on canvas_45.5x53cm_2019
* 전시메일에 등록된 모든 이미지와 글은 작가와 필자에게 저작권이 있습니다. * vol.20200423-권순왕 展 |