킨토 미나미

KINTO Minami






2018. 11. 16(금) ▶ 2018. 11. 18(일)

서울특별시 성북구 성북로2길 35





How to love the stranger in the ironical society.

This is my first solo exhibition in Seoul.

I will show you the old video installation works and new performance.

The mask, the new sexism, the back to life perfume, the DMZ…, everything I will show you is how to love the stranger.

People are often afraid of strangers, they say “It is not one of us. ”, then accepting the stranger is hard, though all problem have to solve with other people. My answer is, to cry with them as the alien, as the tourist and as the friend. To treat those relationships as the same value at the same time is very important. First, I will know how to make the mask of the society which eliminate the minority, then I will change my face, body, behavior as an alien, and also move it. I am in the alien side always. There is a touch of irony in mine. If you're as terrified of an irony of fate as I am but also endlessly fascinated by it, then my art works is for you.

I will show you how to love the town. I cry and walk on the lands, under heavens for them. This is my answer.










* 전시메일에 등록된 모든 이미지와 글은 작가와 필자에게 저작권이 있습니다.

vol.20181116-킨토 미나미