티제이 홍 개인展

Teejay Hong






2018. 1. 6(토) ▶ 2018. 2. 4(일)



티제이 홍은 도피주의(Escapism) 문학을 통해 백인 우월주의(White Supremacy)로 규격화 되어버린 포스트 모더니즘의 표준화를 비판하고 맞선다. 뉴욕과 런던을 기반으로 활동하며 비디오, 회화, 도자기, 퍼포먼스, 설치 등 다매체를 통해 회의적 디스토피아(Skeptic Dystopia) 를 연출해 낸다. Slade School of Fine Art에서 학사를 수석으로 졸업하였고 Columbia University에서 석사학위를 취득하였다. 그는 영국 Bury Art Museum and Sculpture Centre (2017) 와 뉴욕 Art in General (2016) 에서 개인전을 개최하였고 ICA London, 영국 (2015) Jewish Museum, 미국 (2016) La Salle Earl Lu Gallery, 싱가폴 (2017)에서 전시했다. ICA Philadelphia, 미국 (2018) 전시를 앞두고 있다.


TeeJay Hong is a New York and London-based Korean artist predominantly working in performances with sculptural video installations in addition to paintings and ceramics. By engaging with the idea of escapism, Teejay aims to challenge and question the strict narrative of normative trends relating to white supremacy in the modern hierarchical structure of postmodernism. Recent solo shows include Angry Hotel Propaganda, Bury Art Museum and Sculpture Centre, Manchester U.K. (2017); Blue Salmon, Art In General with CCA Tallinn, Estonia (2016), Group shows: Tag: ICA Philadelphia (2018), Fault-Lines: Earl Lu Gallery, ICA, Singapore (2016), In Response: Unorthodox, Jewish Museum, New York (2016); and Bloomberg New Contemporaries (2015), Nottingham and ICA London, UK (2015). TeeJay holds a B.A. from Slade School of Fine Art, UCL London and an M.F.A from Columbia University.







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