박세은 프랑스 파리展
My old shoes_나의 옛구두_53x45.5cm_Oil on Canvas 1971 Special prize of the first Chungnam province exhibition
파리 퐁데자르 갤러리 Galerie Pont des Arts
2017. 10. 3(화) ▶ 2017. 10. 9(월) 4, Rue Peclet 75015 Paris, France | T.+33-9-8354-5076
Gazing_응시_凝視_45.5x38cm_Oil on Canvas_2017
'나의 낡은 구두'에서 파리까지
畵友 정 장 직 금으로부터 46년 전, 나의 초라한 골방에 찾아와 사르뎅 화집을 응용하고, 서구 인상파의 그림을 논하던 당시의 청년화가가 현재 70(古稀)을 바라보는 나이에 파리에서 전시회를 하게 되었다. 그 당시, 박형의 작업을 지켜보시던 나의 어머님(故人)은 관람객으로서 박형의 작품에 대한 인상으로“세은이의 그림은 ‘으진’(꼭) 닮았다. 담뱃대도, 항아리도, 나무도, 사과도, 구두도‘정말’ 닮았다.”라고 말씀하시곤 하셨다. 실제 박형의 작업은 실재의 물건과 만나는 가상현실을 맛보게 되는 적극적인 일루전으로 환원되어 보였다. 허나 46년이 지난 지금 충남대학교 미술대학에서 '라캉의 정념에 관한 자연응시론' 을 통해 석사논문을 쓴 그를 보면 그가 추구한 일루전은 남다른 것이었다고 할 수 있다. 우리 시대의 융합표현방식과 대상에 대한 철학적 응시 그리고 단순한 시각이 아닌 관념의 대상과 표현에서 아주 독특한 조형적 방법을 제시하려는 몸부림을 엿볼 수 있다. 그동안 자연의 위대함과 숭고함에 대한 그의 깊은 정신적 고찰은 자연에 대한 무의식적 탐구를 위한 열망과 만났으며, 나와 그의 화업세계도 함께 성숙되었다. 그는 일찍이 1971년 '나의 옛 구두'라는 작품으로 공모전에서 특선을 수상한 바 있다. 이제 우리가 밟아 온 인생과 화력을 돌아보며 한없는 꿈을 꾸어 보지만 열심히 족적을 남긴것에 대해서도 자부심을 느낄 것이라는 것을 그는 그 때 이미 알았던 것일까? 이번 전시회에도 선보일 그의 작품, '나의 옛 구두'와 '모과 있는 정물' 등이 시공을 초월하여 새롭게 다가온다. 아, 파리! 그의 인생친구로서, 화우로서 파리에서 전시회를 갖게 되었음을 축하하며, 설레는 마음으로 그의 리플렛을 받아 볼 날을 고대하고 있다. 파리 전시회를 통해 그의 화가로서의 인생에 새롭고 활력에 찬 에너지를 맞이하길 기원하며.
Jae-won_재원_45.5x38cm_Oil on Canvas_2017
From ‘My old shoes’ to Paris
A friend of artistic life Jung Jang-Jig From now on 46 years ago, he has visited my humble room and made copies of Chardin’s paintings. A young painter at the time who has talked me Western Impressionists, he has an exhibition in Paris at the age of 65. At that time, my mother used to express her impression of his artworks as a spectator. “Seh-eun’s painting looks like a ‘true’. The tobacco pipe, the pot, the trees, the apple, and the shoes are also alike.” Indeed, his works seemed to be reflected in an aggressive task that would taste virtual reality, which met real objects. However, it is said that his illusion is distinctive when I read his M.A degree essay, which was written at the university of Chungnam National University, “A Study on expression of passion through the gazing of Nature- Focused on my artworks -” One can see a painful way to present a very unique way of a complex expression style of this area and philosophical contemplation of objets not merely a simple view. in the mean time, his deep spiritual consideration of the greatness and spirituality of nature met with his desire for unconscious exploration of nature. A good deal of water has flowed under the bridge ever since I became friends with him. In 1971, he received the Special prize of the first Chungnam province exhibition by his artwork, ‘My Old Shoes.’ Did he realize that we wood feel not only proud and but also regret about the life which left footprints? His artwork, ‘My Old Shoes.’ which will be showcased in this exhibition, will look brand-new like our lives. Oh, Paris! As a friend of life and companion of art, I congratulate him on having an exhibition in Paris. I look forward to receiving his leaflet with excitement. I wish to see a new and brilliant turning point in his life as a painter through this exhibition in Paris.
Passion_정념_情念_73x53.5cm_Oil on Canvas_2017
For the sake of forgotten rococo color sense
Chungnam National University professor Shim Woong-Taek Park Seh-eun is a writer who presents exquisite poetic expression to experiences and self-delusion of modern people. Our challenge now needs purify the dysfunction in the new form of reappearance which produced and adjured by momentary and dynamic digital culture. The artists of this age are imposed the epistemic and aesthetic missions by new artistic sensibility and practice. And today the mechanism of capitalist society has a way of distorting history and art. Human impulses that pursue true happiness and desire for life in art are expressed only in dream and compressed form. The artist’s painting space resist here. In this context, Park observes the essence of the painting, which is casual, transitory and highly volatile property of today’s painting. Against this backdrop, he is aiming toward the sublime aesthetics of the profound abyss of lyricism. His works form the third revolution of an inner unconscious, or a dream assembly that penetrates into the earth’s atmosphere. Also the Forgotten unconscious is the material trace of outward appearance and the substance itself. In other words, it is the boundary area between inner and outer, past and present where dream and awakening are mutually invasive. It is located in the small maze in the vast digital labyrinth which present lyricism. And it’s the place that makes us seem to flit. It is also a point of view that allows viewers to indulge in the intoxicated coziness of the special and privacy hallucination space, which is privately held as the venue for the exchange of spectators and objects. The painting(Gyeryong mountain) are not artificially constructed nature which are scattered involuntary by the artist. Here is a patient wait, which is for a moment of recognition. This is a moment of reconciliation. Lyricism is basically talking about universality or reconciliation. It is a song when has a combination of harmony. When has conflicts and clashes, doesn’t arise. And the origin of the song is choral speaking, and literally singing together. A picture(Laughter) is a chorus. It is a resonant and there is a powerful echo. Hence, lyricism has a distance from the relationship between nature and human. It is a form of art that can exist when there is a reliable, through the form of poetry or contemplation. Now, the artist is no longer in love with the nightmarish horror of the 20th century’s logos aesthetics, constantly resist and deconstruct the existence of mythology. And then reorganize into the abyss of lyricism. It is the goal of the artist to make the whole of life steadily, even though it ends up unfinished. His work is the illusion of fantastic things that we’ve forgotten for one time, the rococo sense.
Sangsin-ri Snow scene_상신리 설경_72.7x60.6cm_Oil on Canvas_2017
Still Life with quince_모과 있는 정물_53x45.5cm_Oil on Canvas_2017
■ 박세은 | PARK SEH-EUN
1952 충남 논산 출생 | 2017 충남대학교 대학원 미술학과 회화전공 졸업
개인전 | 1973 산강화랑_대전 | 1985 반도화랑_대전 | 2016 모리스갤러리_대전 | 2017 프랑스 파리 퐁데자르 갤러리_프랑스 파리
국제전 | 프랑스, 르싸롱전_파리 그랑빠레 | 그리스, 한류미술의 물결전_아테네시 국립미술관 | 쿠바, 국제미술교류전 | 이탈리아, 현대 미술전_2015 밀라노 엑스포 한국의날 기념 | 터키, 한·터키 수교 50주년 기념전 | 중국, 국제미술교류전
국내전 | 오늘의 한국 미술전_국립현대미술관 | 구상작가 100인 초대전 | 대전시립미술관 개관 초대전 | 아름다운 금강전_MBC | 정부 수립 50주년 기념전 | 광역시 6대 유명작가 초대전 | 예술가의집 개관 초대전_150인 작가 | 21세기 대전 미술 미래 모색전 | 미술해 초대전 | 한국 구상 미술의 새방법전 | 2017 회화 신조형전 | 중견작가 특별 초대전 | 대전 원로 작가‘임봉재·김치중 화백 회고전’등 400여회 출품
수상 및 경력 | 1978 대전 미술대전 초대작가상 | 1982~ 대전 미술대전 운영 및 심사위원 역임_5회 | 2017 미술학 석사 논문_자연의 응시(凝視)를 통한 정념(情念) 표현 연구
현재 | 대전광역시 초대작가 | 한국미술협회 | 대전구상작가회 | 국제미술교류회 | 대전원로작가회_화연전
E-mail | 33han2@hanmail.net
1952 Born in Nonsan, Chungcheongnam-do | 2017 Master of Arts from Chungnam National University (Graduate School of Fine Arts)
Solo Exhibition | 1973 San-gang gallery_Daegeon | 1985 Ban-do gallery_Daegeon | 2016 Morris gallery_Daegeon | 2017 Galerie Pont des Arts_Paris, France
International Exhibition | France, Le salon Exhibition_Grand Palais | Greek, The Stream of Hanryu art_Athene national museum | Cuba, International exchange Exhibition | Italia, Contemporary art Exhibition_2015 Milano Expo, The memorial day of Korea | Turkey, Exhibition of 50 Years of Diplomatic Relations Korea & Turkey | China, International exchange Exhibition
Domestic exhibition | Today's Korean art Exhibition_National Modern Art Museum | Invitation exhibition of figurative 100 artists | Opening invitation exhibition of Daejeon Municipal Museum of Art | A 50-year anniversary of the establishment of the government | Big Six metropolitan City artists invitation Exhibition | Opening Exhibition of Daejeon Artist House_150 artists | Future seeking exhibition of Daejeon in 21th century | The year of Art invitation exhibition | The new method exhibition of figurative art | 2017 new figurative painting exhibition | Special invitation exhibition of middle and high repute artists | Invitation Exhibition of Daejeon veteran artists | 'Bong-Jae Im, Chi-Jung Kim Dual Retrospective exhibition' | and so on_400 or more participation in exhibitions
Prize and Career | 1978 The prize of invitation artist of Daejeon Art Contest | 1982~ A member of the steering committee and examiner of Daejeon Art Contest | 2017 Master of Arts from Chungnam National University("A Study on expression of passion through the gazing of Nature - Focused on my artworks -")
Invitation Artist of Daejeon associaton of art exhibition | Member of Korean Fine Arts Association | Daejeon figurative artists association, International Exchange Exhibition | Daejeon Veteran artists association(Hwa-yeon Exhibition)
vol.20171003-박세은展 |