찬희 展
Toward Paradise
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남산도서관 갤러리
2017. 9. 13(수) ▶ 2017. 9. 19(화) Opening 2017. 9. 13(수) pm5시 서울특별시 용산구 소월로 109(후암동 30-84) 남산도서관 1층 | T.02-6911-0141
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Toward Paradise
Paradise를 향하여 Space를 향하여
존재를 확인하고자 실체를 인정받고자 부단히 몸부림쳐 본다
음지에서 양지로 그림자에서 실체로
여전히 신의 그림자로 존재할 뿐 영원히 실체가 되지 못하고
쇼 윈도우에... 유리에... 거울에... 나를 투영해 본다
존재를 확인하고자 실체를 인정받고자 부단히 몸부림쳐 본다
나의 존재는 실재인가 그림자인가...
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Toward Paradise
Toward Paradise Toward Space
To confirm the existence To be recognized my entity I struggle constantly
From shade to sunny From shadow to entity
It still exists as the shadow of God I can not be an entity forever
On the show window... Into the glass... Into the mirror... I project me
To confirm the existence To be recognized my entity I struggle constantly
Is my being a reality or a shadow...
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■ 찬희 | Chanhee
한국외국어대학불어교육학과졸업 | 동대학원불어과수료 | 한국미술협회회원 | 한국여성사진작가협회회원 | 대한미협기획위원 | 안산아트페어운영위원 | 편집디자이너
개인전 & 부스개인전 | 9회(’99, ’05, ’05, ’06, ’09, ’10, ’11, ’14, ’17)
그룹전 | 2017 Paris Carrousel du Louvre Art Expo, 프랑스 | 2017 Paris Musee d'Orsay Galerie JOSEPH, 프랑스 | 2017 AIAF 제14회 안산국제아트페어 | 2017 PRAHA 국제초대전, 체코프라하 국립대학교 | 2017 올해의 작가 100인 초대전, 예술공간, 서울 | 2016 스웨덴 스톡홀름 초대전, 스웨덴 | 2016 제1회 여성사진페스티벌, 예술의전당 한가람미술관 | 2015 제12회 국제경기안산아트페어, IGAAF, 안산문화예술의전당, Korea | 2014 이스탄불-코리아 아트쇼, 터키 | 2013 아트 이탈리아, 토스카니 | 2013 제6회 누드 드로잉 한일 교류초대전, 오사카 | 2012 한국국제DRAWING전, 예술의전당 한가람미술관 | 2011 서울-아트 바젤展, 스위스 | 2010, 2011 파리아트컬렉션 | 2010 Colombo Arts Collection, 스리랑카 | 2010 시카고 아트컬렉션, 미국 | 2010 LA국제전, 미국 | 2009 KL 문화원초청 한국작가초대선, 말레이시아 | 2009 13th 상하이 아트페어, 중국 | 2009 뉴욕대한민국현대 미술작가초대전, 미국 | 2009 Seoul Photo 아트페어, 코엑스 | 2008 한국여성사진가협회 10주년기념전, 라메르 갤러리, 서울 | 2007 The 6th Sense, F 기획전, Kowpa, 헤이리 UV 하우스 | 2001 세계영상전 특별누드기획전, 코엑스 | 1997 제6회 국제누드사진콘테스트전, 사진예술, 삼성갤러리, 서울 | 외 다수
수상경력 | 2017 올해의 작가 100인 초대전, 올해의 작가상 수상, 예술공간 | 2010 고흐 150주년 Amsterdam Arts Collection, 최우수상, 한국 | 2010 Chicago Arts Collection, 디지털아트부문 우수상, 한국 | 2010 안산국제아트페어 개인부스 작가공모전 선정 | 2008 BLACK & WHITE MAGAZINE, B&W Portfolio Contest Awards Issue 60, Merit Award, USA | 2006 김기덕 감독 영화작 <Time>에 협찬, 한국 | 2002 프랑스 PHOTO지 입상 | 2002 서울 포토프린트컴피티션 입상 | 1998 세계문화유적탐사 콘테스트 대상, 한국
E-mail | pchparis@hanmail.net | BLOG | https://blog.daum.net/pchparis
■ Chan Hee
B.A. | M.A. Completed All French Courses in the Graduate School, Hankook University of Foreign Studies | Member of Korean Fine Arts Association | Member of Korean Women Photographers Association | Press, Korea Image Broadcasting Co. | Edit Designer
Solo & Booth Exhibition | 2017. 9 Toward Paradise, Namsan Library Gallery | 2014 Another Paradise III, PPA2014, Pyeongtaek Photo Fair, Arts Center | 2011 Another Paradise II , LA Korea Center & Gymnasium, USA | 2010 Another Paradise, AIAF 2010, Ansan Arts Center | 2009 Another Kamasutra, KASF 2009, SETEC, Seoul | 2006 Out of Eroticism II, Loco gallery, Gapyeong | 2005 Out of Eroticism I, SIPA 2005, Seoul Center of Art | 2005 One & One, Two, Cosmos Gallery, Kanghwa) | 1999 Double Image of Nude, Hangang Gallery, Seoul
Group Exhibition | 2017 Carrousel du Louvre Art Expo, Paris | 2017 Korean Artists Independance International Expo, Musee d'Orsay Galerie JOSEPH, Paris) | 2017 14th Ansan International Art Fair, AIAF, Ansan Arts Center, Korea | 2017 PRAHA International Exhibition, National University, Praha, Czech | 2017 The hundred Artists Exhibition of this year, Yesul Gonggan, Seoul | 2016 Sweden Stocholm Invitated Exhibition, Stocholm ACCO SPACE, Sweden | 2016 1th Woman Photo Festival, Kowpa, Seoul Arts Center | 2016 1th Woman Photo Festival, Kowpa, CUBUS 8 gallery, Heyri, Korea | 2015 12th International Gyeonggi Ansan Aat Fair IGAAF, , Ansan Arts Center, Korea | 2014 Turkey Istanbul - Korea Art Show, Kyuchukjemeje Civil Jenet Art Center, Istanbul, Turkey | 2013 Art Italia, MSM Gallery of Royal Palace Exhibition Room, Toscani, Italy | 2013 6th Nude Drawing Korea-Japan Exhibition, Irohani Gallery, Osaka, Japan | 2012 Korea International Drawing Exhibition, Seoul Arts Center | 2011 Seoul-Art Basel, Switzerland | 2011 Korea International Drawing Exhibition, Seoul Arts Center | 2011 Paris Art Collection, Ambassadeur Art Salon, France | 2010 Colombo Arts Collection, Sri Lanka amity 33th Exhibition, Chandramony Space, Colombo city Rathana center | 2010 KASF Art Fair, SETEC, Seoul | 2010 Amsterdam Arts Collection, Molen Arts Space, Netherland | 2010 Chicago Arts Collection, Chicago Temple Center, USA | 2010 L.A. International Salon of America Exhibition, LA. Korean Education Hall, USA | 2010 Paris Art Collection, Ambassadeur Art Salon, France | 2009 KL Korean Artists Exhibition, Korean Education Hall, Malaysia | 2009 13th Shanghai Art Fair, Shanghai, China | 2009 New York Korean Contemporary Artist Invited Exhibition, USA | 2009 Seoul Photo Art Fair, Coex, Seoul | 2008 Korean Women Photographers’Association 10th Exhibition, La Mer gallery, Seoul | 2007 6th Sense, F Project Exhibition, Heyri UV House, Korea | 2001 World Image Special Nude Exhibition, Coex, Seoul | 1997 6th Seoul International Photo Contest Exhibition, Samsung Gallery, Seoul | and so on
Award | 2017 The Hundred Artists Exhibition of this 2017 year, Artist Award of this year, Art Space, Korea | 2010 Gogh 150 anniversary Amsterdam Arts Collection, Best Prize, Korea | 2010 Chicago Arts Collection, Excellence Award, Korea | 2010 Ansan International Art Fair Booth Exhibition Artist Selected, Korea | 2008 BLACK & WHITE MAGAZINE, B&W Portfolio Contest Awards Issue 60, Merit Award, USA | 2006 Support Movie of Director Kim Gi Duk | 2002 France PHOTO Magazine Contest Winner | 2002 Seoul Photo Print Competition Winner | 1998 World Culture Heritage Exploration Contest Grand Prix Winner, Korea
E-mail | pchparis@hanmail.net | BLOG | https://blog.daum.net/pchparis
vol.20170913-찬희展 |