러시아 · 연해주 주립 미술관 이광하 초대전
러시아 · 연해주 주립 미술관
2017. 5. 26(금) ▶ 2017. 6. 18(일)
Love Story 축제 4 146cmx114cm Oil & Acrylic on canvas
Поздравление Генерального Консула на открытии художественной выставке
Я искренне рад открытию выставки картин под названием «Love story» художника Ли Гван Ха в Приморской картиной галерее в рамках проведения «Недели корейского искусства»
Худ ож н и к Л и Гва н Х а я вл я е т с я од н и м и з представителей послевоенного поколения Кореи. Он с помощью традиционных оттенков с разноцветными полосками, отображающих горы, месяц, феникс и другие национальные символы показывает лиризм Кореи и модернизм впитавший в себя традиции.
Ли Гван Ха – это художник который непосредственно во п л о щ а е т с л о ва “ худ ож н и к го во р и т ч е р е з произведение”, Он общается с миром о своей философии с помощью кисточек и красок. Я приглашаю Вас в мир в его произведений, где культура и искусство стирают языковой барьер между нашими странами и помогают достич взаимопонимания.
Выражаю искреннюю благодарность Приморской картиной галерее а также представителям канала ОТВ за активное сотрудничество в успешном проведение этого мероприятия.
Генеральный консул Республики Корея в г. Владивостоке Ли Сок Пэ
Love Story 축제 4 146cmx114cm Oil & Acrylic on canvas
Congratulations from the Consul General on the opening of the art exhibition
I am sincerely delighted to open the exhibition of paintings entitled "Love story" by artist Lee Kwang Ha in the Primorski Picture Gallery as part of the "Week of Korean Art".
Artist Lee Kwang Ha is one of the representatives of the post-war generation of Korea. Using traditional shades with multi-colored stripes, displaying mountains, months, the phoenix and other national symbols, he shows the lyricism of Korea and modernism imbued with tradition.
Lee Kwang Ha is an artist who directly embodies the words "an artist speaks through work". With the help of brushes and paints, he communicates his philosophy to humanity. I invite you into the world of his works, where culture and art erase the language barrier between our countries and help achieve mutual understanding. I express my sincerest gratitude to the Primorski Picture Gallery and representatives of OTV channel for their active cooperation in the successful holding of this event.
Consul General of the Republic of Korea in Vladivostok Lee Sokbae
Love story1997 The Festival 162.2cmx112.1cm Oil on canvas
Love Story 98-2000 The old story 102cmx82cm Oil & Acrylic on canvas
■ 작가 이광하는 1942년 평북 만포 출생으로 1965년 홍익대학교를 미술대학을 졸업했다. 1964년 제 1회 국전 최연소(대학 4년) 국전 추천작가가 되었으며 국전 최연소 초대작가가 되었다. 그는 지금까지 6번의 개인전을 가졌으며 부부전을 3회 개최했다. 육우회 회원, 승미회 고문, 한국미술협회 이사. I.A.A 서울전 실행위원, 대한민국미술대전 양화부문 심사위원, 구상전 심사위원, 한국문화미술대전 심사위원 등을 지냈다. 이광하는 제 10, 11, 12회 대한민국미술전람회 특선을 거쳐 신인예술상전 차석상, 현대작가전 수석, 장려상 등을 수상한 바 있으며 주요 그룹전으로 제 24회 올림픽서울기념전, 한국전업작가회 창립전, 한·미 현대미술작가전, 한국빛깔의 신비전(프랑스 파리 유네스코본부 미로 미술관), 푸조아트센터 초대전(파리), 한·불수교 120주년 기념 초대전 등에 참여했다. 현재 한국전업작가회, 한국미술협회 등에서 활동하고 있으며 또한 프랑스 국립살롱 오마쥬 작가이고, 자랑스러운 숭문인상, 자랑스런 홍익인상, 미술인의 날 대상 수상하였습니다.
E-mail christina0919@hanmail.net
■ LEE, Kwang-Ha was born in Manpo, Pyeongbuk and graduated from Homgik University College of Fine Art in 1965. He was a recommended artist of the 1st Korea National Art Exhibition(Senior of the Constructive Dept.) and invited artist of the 23rd Korean National Art Exhibition. He had 6 times solo exhibitions and 3times couple exhibitions so far. He was a member of Yukwoo Association and Seungmi Association, director of Korean Fine Arts Association, committeeman I.A.A Seoul Exhibition, judge of Grand Art Exhibition of Korea western painting area, judge of Gusang Exhibition, Korean Cultural Arts Grand Exhibition etc. LEE, Kwang-Ha got Excellent Prizes of the 10th, 11th, 12th Korean Arts Exhibition, 2nd prize of New Face Art Exhibition, the Top Prize and Encourage Prize of Contemporary Artists Exhibition etc. He participated in the 24th Olympic Seoul Commemoration Exhibition, Korean Professional Artists Association Founding Exhibition(UNESCO MIRO Gallery in Paris), Peugeot Art Center Invitational Exhibition(Paris), Korea·France Friendship 120 years Commemoration Exhibition, S.N.B.A Invitational Exhibition in Paros etc. The present, he is a member of Korean Professional Artists Association, Korean Fine Arts Association, Hyunmi Association, Seungmi Association and a regular member of France National Salon.
E-mail christina0919@hanmail.net
vol.20170526-이광하展 |