권혜안 展









2010. 8. 11(수) ▶ 2010. 8. 18(수)

서울시 종로구 수송동 25-2 B1 | Tel.02-735-7377






Thompson Harris



Thompson Harris


2010. 8. 19(목) ▶ 2010. 8. 29(일)

Opening 2010. 8.19(목) Pm 4:00




Thompson Harris


Abigail Collins



Abigail Collins


2010. 9. 1(수) ▶ 2010. 9. 8(수)

Opening 2010. 9. 1(수)










학력  | 2004-2008 | The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, 뉴욕, 미국 | Fine Art 학부 | 2007 가을 | Columbia University, 뉴욕, 미국 | 방문학생


전시  | 2010 | SLOW FLOW, 단체전, 한벽원 갤러리 (전 월전 미술관), 서울, 대한민국 | 2009 | GROUND, 단체전, Joyce Goldstein Gallery, 채담시, 뉴욕주, 미국 | Put Your Foot Down+Take Your Shoes Off, 솔로 졸업전시, The Cooper Union, 뉴욕 | To Make A Cake May Take Years To Bake, 오픈 스튜디오, 브룩클린, 미국 | 2007/2008 | Long Island City 오픈 스튜디오, The Cooper Union, 뉴욕시, 미국 | 2005/2006/2007/2008 | 정기 학년말 전시회, The Cooper Union, 뉴욕, 미국


 | 2009 | Sarah Cooper Hewitt Award | 2004-2008 | 4년 전액 장학금, The Cooper Union


Thompson Harris


Born  |  1985, Miami,FLorida | Lives and Works in New York, NY | 2008 B.F.A., Cooper Union, NY, NY


EXHIBITIONS  | 2010 | Brucennial (forthcoming) | Judith Goldstein Gallery, Chatham,NY, "Rotating Show" | "Travel Valley Travel", Brooklyn, NY | 2009 | Ray Smith Studio, Brooklyn,NY, "Smithumenta","Le Saloon", NY,NY | Open Studio, Brooklyn, NY, "To Make A Cake May Take Years To Bake" | 2008 | Cooper Union, NY,NY, "Just Painted" Thesis Show


AWARDS  | 2007 | Edward F. Albee Foundation Fellowship, Yale University Scholarship




EDUCATION  | The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, New York, NY | 2004-2008 | Bachelor of Fine Arts; Full Tuition Scholarship | L’Ecole Nationale Superior des Beaux Arts, Paris, France | Spring 2007       


EXHIBITIONS  | 2010 | Camouflage, Seoul, South Korea | solo Exhibition, Seoha Gallery | Foster Landscapes, Brooklyn, NY |Group Exhibition, Page Not Found Art Space | Ground, Chatham, NY | Group Exhibition, Joyce Goldstein Gallery | To Make a Cake May Take Years to Bake, Brooklyn, NY | Group exhibition at Studio 406 | In Response to Choking, New York, NY | Thesis exhibition at The Cooper Union School of Art | Between Good And Evil, New York, NY | 3 person show at The Cooper Union School of Art | Gardez Vos Proches Pres de Vous*, Paris, France | 2007 | Keep Your Loved Ones Closer to Home, Public Installation


RESIDENCY  | Resident Artist at Page Not Found Art Space, Brooklyn, NY | 2010  


AWARD  |  Elliot Lash Memorial Prize for Excellence in Sculpture | 2009



