박성수 개인展
정원 _ 고유영역(garden_unique area)
garden_unique area, 123ⅹ162cm, Korea ink and light colors on paper, 2008
2008. 4. 3(목) ▶ 2008. 4. 9(수) 전북전주시 덕진구 진북2동 1062-3 |063-272-7223 오픈닝: 2008. 4. 3(목) 6PM 월요일 휴관 | 관람시간 09:30~10:00
garden_unique area, 123ⅹ162cm, Korea ink and light colors on paper, 2008
‘ 누구든 창밖으로 시선을 던졌을 때 나무를 보는 것은 어려운 일이 아니다.’
답답한 도심의 한가운데 일지라도 정원과 나무를 우리는 아주 쉽게 볼 수있다. 그러나 놀랍게도 사람들은 하루에 한번도 그 흔한 나무에 시선을 주지않는다.(스스로 생각해 보라!) 창밖을 보면 우리가 눈을 감지 않는 이상 정원의 잡풀과 나무를 볼 수 있을 것이다. 유명한 관광지나 풍경이 아름다운 곳을 굳이 찾아가지 않더라도 자연은 우리의 시선 안에 언제나 있어왔다. 그러한 것처럼 가장 평범한 것이 가장 소중한 것임을 상기 하면서 작업에 임하게 된다.특히 축구선수에게 경외심을 갖는 이유는 자신에 대해서 가장 잘 알고 있는 사람이라는 것 이다. 그들은 자신의 몸을 이해 할 뿐만 아니라 심리상태, 주변의 컨디션 - 잔디와 축구공의 탄성, 그 날의 날씨 - 까지 알고 있다. 더욱이 이런 축구 선수들이 가지고 있는 시각은 내가 작업을 하기위해 갖고 있는 자연을 바라보는 시각과 닮아 있을 것 이라는 생각에서이다. 정원_고유영역으로 명명되어진 작업은 기본적으로 먹과 함께 녹색을 제한적으로 취하고 있다. 어떤 특정한 대상에만 색이 그려지는 방법이 이전 사진과 회화작업에서 흔하게 볼 수 있는 시각적으로는 다소 식상한 형식을 띠고 있기는 하나 그러한 형식을 취함으로서 내가 표현하고자하는 자연과 일상에 대한 관조 섞인 시각을 가장 극명하게 드러낼 수 있다고 생각한다. 이렇듯 나에게는 지금 먹과 녹색으로 대변되는 자연, 그리고 그동안 다른 작가들이 이야기 했던 거와 마찬가지로 생물학적인 입장으로 그 대상의 신비함을 관조하고 헤아리는 일만이 관심의 대상이다. ‘ 도심속 정원을 보며 자연의 고유영역을 상상해 본다 ’ 박 성 수
garden_unique area, 123ⅹ162cm, Korea ink and light colors on paper, 2007
garden_unique area Explanation The limited selection of colors Contemplation about a garden's own realm The work named A garden-its own realm basically takes Chinese ink and green color limitedly which I can say that it reflects nature and my desire for embodiment of a real world in my own style. Though the way of painting a certain part as we can see in former pictures and paintings is somewhat visually boring, but by taking such form, I believe Ican most obviously express nature and my contemplative viewpoints on daily life. I believe Chinese ink that is used to expresses the rest from the color greenis the material that is able to take the visible form of the subject into its most organic state. As a material, when the work is misty, depth of dryness and wetness, brushing speed, and contingency most sensitively takes effect due to properties of Chinese drawing paper and water. In addition, with green color, Chinese ink that expresses the others works the most sensitively in depth of dryness and wetness, speed of brush, and pliability as a material by the properties of Chinese drawing paper and water when the work seems misty, I think it is a material which can express the subject we can see in the most organic way. Therefore, along with the aforementioned nature that is represented by green color, I tried to see the mysterious everyday affairs or anything having a form within nature being equal with nature itself and tried to draw my thoughts on their own realms.
garden_unique area, 130ⅹ162cm, Korea ink and light colors on paper, 2008
The meaning of a garden by the visual aspect 'It is not difficult for anyone to see trees through the window.'We can easily see gardens or trees even when we are in the middle of a stuffy city. But surprisingly, people do not look at those common trees, not even once a day. (Think about it yourself!) You can notice that grass and trees in a garden through the window, if you do not close your eyes. You do not have to visit a famous resort or a beautiful place because nature is already within your eyes. In the same way, by reminding the idea that the most ordinary thing is the most precious thing, my works are done by actively adopting the images that include parts of nature such as trees and grass When I look at my friend’s photo with a garden in America as the background, I see nearby cars, chairs, people, and soccer players to be subject of materials. In particular, the reason why I am awestruck by the soccer players is because they are people who know about themselves the best. They not only understand about their bodies, but also their mental status and perimeter conditions including grass, elasticity of soccer ball, and weather of the day. (It is similar with the case when I saw a dove that did not sit on the trees when trying to draw a garden.) In addition, it is because of the idea that such viewpoints that soccer players have would be similar with my own viewpoint when I observe the nature for my works. In this way, my only interests are in the nature represented by Chinese ink and green color, and to contemplate and to meditate mystery of the subject from a biological standpoint as other artists have mentioned before. Looking at the garden in a city, I think of its own realm’ at the artist’s diary
garden_unique area, 112ⅹ145cm, Korea ink and light colors on paper, 2007
garden_unique area, 162ⅹ130cm, Korea ink and light colors on paper, 2007
garden_unique area, 162ⅹ130cm, Korea ink and light colors on paper, 2007
garden_unique area, 162ⅹ130cm, Korea ink and light colors on paper, 2008
garden_unique area, 145ⅹ112cm, Korea ink and light colors on paper, 2008
garden_unique area, 145ⅹ112cm, Korea ink and light colors on paper, 2007
garden_unique area, 123ⅹ162cm, Korea ink and light colors on paper, 2008
garden_unique area, 145ⅹ112cm, Korea ink and light colors on paper, 2008
■ 박성수 ( paintingparksungsoo) 1980 Born in Jeonjoo, 2007 Bachelors in Art major Jeonbuk University , 2007 Enrolling in Jeonbuk University Art major -Awards- 2007 Woojin Art Foundation 2007-2008 Won Nomination in Artists Support Project -Private Exhibition- 2007 Art Scola Gallery - (shanghai, China), 2008 espace j gallery - (shanghai, China), 2008 4. 3 ~ 4.9 Woojin Art Space - (jeonju, Korea) -Group Exhibition and Planning Invitation Exhibition - 2006 Dashi Exhibition (Woojin Culture Space), 2006 Looked from a movie (Culture Space Purun Eye Hospital), 2006 Self-portrait Exhibition (Seoshin Gallery), 2007 Ik Exhibition - Go together (Jeonbuk Art Hall), 2007 20 year aniversary Jeonbuk University Alumnus Exhibition (Jeonju Samsung Art Hall), 2007 Korea New Artist Exhibition (Art World - Seoul Insa Art Center), 2007 Second Ik Exhibition - 123 cm (Woojin Art Space), 2007 Tunnel Exhibition (Woojin Art Space), 2008 a landscape Exhibition (gallery in the office of a provincial government), 2008 ' Light of Korean Art ' (Seoul Tablo - BreraArtcenter Milano Italia) Address : 545-9 Hyojadong Wansangu Jeonjoo Jeonbuk KoreaE-mail : sspark0308@yahoo.co.kr Mobile : +82-10-9992-3661
vol.20080403-박성수 개인展 |